Zirconium Cooler Condenser Heat Exchanger

Zirconium Cooler Condenser Heat Exchanger

Zirconium Cooler Condenser Heat Exchanger manufactured by Apex Engineered Products in Clark, PA, United States.

Apex Engineered Products delivered this Zirconium Cooler Condenser Heat Exchanger to a leading North American producer of general and inorganic chemicals, nitrogen, and fertilizers. Fabricated per ASME SECT VIII, DIV 1, the unit features Double-Grooved, Expanded, and Seel-Welded Zirconium Cladded Tube/Tubesheet Joints, 304/304L Shell and Channels, and Seamless Zirconium Tubes.

The heat exchanger received an LPT/PMI on both the shell and tube sides, joint efficiency, spot radiography, and pressure testing prior to shipping to the customer.

Apex Engineered Products is the nation’s leader in Zirconium chemical process equipment design, fabrication, and manufacturing.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at 724-962-8717 or E-Mail  for all your Zirconium manufacturing needs.

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