Zirconium Vaporizer Project
“Fermi-Class” Zirconium Vaporizer Fabrication “Fermi-Class” Zirconium Vaporizer delivered to a major chemical producer in the United States. Equipment Classification: Vaporizer Material of Construction: Zirconium Process
What’s New At Apex Engineered Products
“Fermi-Class” Zirconium Vaporizer Fabrication “Fermi-Class” Zirconium Vaporizer delivered to a major chemical producer in the United States. Equipment Classification: Vaporizer Material of Construction: Zirconium Process
Fabrication of Custom Titanium Fan Completed on Schedule Apex Engineered Products delivered a new, custom-fabricated Titanium Fan to a significant chemical producer in the United
Welder & Fabricator Jobs at Apex Engineered Products Apex Engineered Products is a high-end, exotic metals fabricator located in Clark, PA. We specialize in building
Apex Engineered Products is a world leader in designing and manufacturing corrosion-resistant heat exchangers, heat-transfer, and specialty chemical process equipment.